La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block 76 Card 1
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK 76 CARD 1.tif ,-- --. LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK 76 ~oq;1o-s ~fl -----3l Lot 12 i NEly 22 1 Lot 13- Permit to Emerson C Tibbals, 8552 El Cajon Blvd, Box C, La Mesa to erect a res in R-1 on Virginia Way Res 70943 3/12/40 Lot 13- Res & gar 15' from pl on Virginia Way granted to Mary Eaton Res 66314 8/3/37 Lot 4- Permit to Mrs IC Mackeown to const 12'x20' stucco gar O' side yd 1271 Virigi.nia Way Res 4954 9/6/50 S 15' Lot 1 & all Lot 2- Request of Esther R Johanson, owner & Paul S & Noel D Stuart, Jr, purch WITHDRAWN to const approx 300 sq' dining rh'r'& kitch addn to non-conf duplex that obs 4 1 front yd on Olivet St; addn to obs 4 1 front yd on Olivet St where 15 1 is req 1287 Virgiaia Way betw Pearl St & Ivanhoe East R-1-5 Case 7999 1/24/67 Lot 8- JG Skidmore to convert exist gar and use same as guest house or servant's sleeping qtrs, 1235 Vrginia Way R-1 AGREEMENT 1127 4/3/61