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Development Services

La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block E Card 3

LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK E CARD 3.tif tA JOLU. PI\RK ~~~5f.;-:s"f;~iSi.;. ~ "' Tcact CARD #3!?' Lot 7- Permit was considered by ZA to NEIL H. AND LINDA SMALL HOOBERMAN to (1) construct 255 square foot of 9 1 to 11 1 high deck to observe a 0 1 interior yard where 5 1 is required and a 3 1 front yard where 15 1 is required; (2) erect approximately 69 1 of 4 1 high solid fence with 2 1 high screen on top (maximum height 6 1) to observe a 3 1 front yard at the closest point where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted; (3) erect 11 1 high screen fence to observe 0 1 interior yard where maximum 611 high screen fence is permitted; and (4) erect a 9' high spiral staircase to observe a I' interior yard where 5 1 is required, at 1648 Kearsarge Road, Zone R-1-8. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED: (I) Approve a retaining wall ranging in height from 5 1 to 6 1 high on Soledad Road; (2) six ft. high solid fence on northwest corner of the property as shown on plans submitted; (3) a 42' high soli.d fence observing a 10 1 front yard on Soledad Road; (4) a spiral staircase and 11' high screening fence to observe at the closest point a 0' side yard where 5' side-yard is required; (5) to approve a 4 1 high solid wood fence on Kearsarge Road frontage observing at closest point a 2 1 setback where 15' is required. Conditions. C-17371 10-7-81 lot 9- ZA DENIED request of Sam Barondes to maintain approx. 65 1 of solid wood fence, ranging in height from 5 1 to 7'5" obs. from 0 1 to 15 1 front yd where a max. 3 1 hi. fence or wall is permitted, but APPROVED a variance to maintain approx. 65 1 of solid wood fence. the portion along the front property I ine, be stairstepp~d down the embankment in such a m~nner that the height not exceed 6 1 in height at the midpqint Qf ~ach st~P.tsiim~~t~ exce~t fie1thlhe lowermost port ion 7'2" in_ length_maydb~ mahinta 5!n~dt ~i~:~td~gy~o~t 11642 Kears~r~~ Rd., ' of 8'2" where a 6 1 fence 1s perm1tte 1n t e 1n e Zone R-1-8, condition. c-18444 6/8/84