La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block E Card 4
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK E CARD 4.tif LA JOLLLPARK cX,03'5~-5 BLOCK E- RESUBDIVISION OF VILLA TRACT e CARD #4 q Po~tion of Lots 11 and 12- AGREEMENT to WILLIAM T. AND SUSANNE MORRIS to construct ano remodel existing single-family dwelling with one kitchen leading from hallway, located at 1630 Kearsarge Road, Zone Rl-8000. AGREEMENT #3304 6-3-85 Lot 15- ZA DENIED as requested but APPROVED request of E. STEVENS HAMILTON, MICHAEL LAVERA to constr. a single-family dwelling with a 17 1 high bridge for vehicular access from Kearsarge Road at 1565 Soledad Avenue, Zone Rl-5000 with conds. C-19601 5/22/87