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La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block F Card 1

LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK F CARD 1.tif.. ~ ~ '"....,,,,;,-,, ',, l:A JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK F CARD #1 Blk F, Lots 8-12, inc. Erect a res & gar on ea lot, 10' fr Kearsarge Rd. ~ granted to l3 Robert E. Hi 11. Res.#70944 3-12-40 Blk F, lots 15 & 16- Permit to Dr. F.D. Ullrich Ludington Pl. between Kearsarge & Crespo Stinto 2 and 62 ft depth, ea, to permit a sin fam res on ea St and the other on Crespo St. to divide lots on the south side of building sites with 100 ft st frontage parcel; o@.parcel to front on Kearsarge ~ Res#l 682. 8-1-46 Blk F, Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Dr. F.D. Ullrich to const 2 res on lots one to main- tain an 8 ft SB on Kearsarge St and one an 8 ft SB on Crespo St on the south side of Ludington Pl. Res#1683 8-1-46 Lot 18- Permit to Jon L. Burriston to erect res & carport, res to have 24' SB & car- port 6 1 SB on Crespo Dr. Res#7404 5-13-53..,,. ~:-..:~.-------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------- Lot 11 Permit to Richard F. Olney to split out Lot 10 exc.. NE 30' and all 11, not of 9-2-53 record at time of zoning. 1657 Kearsarge Rd. Res#7718 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to A. Stephen & Mary M. Mehagian to split out Wly 40' lt. 9 & Ely 30' lot 10, not of record at time of zoning. Being first prop west of 1657 Kaersarge Rd. Lot 11 & Lot 10 exc NE 30' of 10- Permit concr blk ret wall obs 0' SB from Crespo St Crespo St., Zone R-1.._.. Res#7719 9-2-53 to Norval B. & Mary L. Raaer (15 1 req) to erect Cl ass 1 Case#527/ to er:ect 5' hi fence at' 1644 10-16-62