La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block F Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK F CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK F CARD #2 771 O Lots 13 & 14 Condi permit to John A. Bel ice to const sin fam res with walking deck on main floor level cantilevered to obs 16' rear yd; dwelling and deck to cover approx 46% of parcel, where 20' rear yd is req and 40"/4 cov is permitted; and (Case#5436) to erect retaining wall varying in height from 4 1 to 8 1 with 3'high pipe rail above obs O' SB from Crespo Dr. where 2' 611 and 3' high fence is permitted and 8 1 SB is established on ROS 4884, 1600 block of Crespo Dr. Zone R-1 Case#'s 5435, 5436 1-30-63 Lots 13, 14- AGREEMENT #1217 to above- bar sink 12-21-62 Lots 15 & 16- AGREEMENT #937 to Dr. Fred D. Ullrich and Louise Gelman Ullrich to lower floor will not be used for rental purposes or as a second liv unit. 7-30-57 Street closed adjacent and northwesterly one-half of Lots 15 and 16- Permit was APPROVED by AZA to PEARN P. NILLER and NANCY M,WALKER to repair and plaster approximately 66 1 of an existing retaining wall ranging in height from 3 1-811 to 6'-3", observing a 0 1 front yard where a maximum 3' high wall is permitted in the required 15' front yard, located at 1601 Kearsarge Road, Zone R-1-8, C-18077 NH 7-7-83