La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block F Card 3
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK F CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK F Lot 17- AGREEMENT to THOMAS J. LOCHTEFELO to remodel existing two-story, single-family dwel I ing to add jacuzzi and enlarge bathroom. Existing wet bar on upper level, at 1620 Crespo Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2719 10-23-81-------------------------~ Lot-3 ZA has APPROVED the request of DONALD AND MARILYN C, CARLEY to erect ~ 5 '-0" fence observing a 7 '-0" front yard and a 7 '-4" retaining wall. observing all'-0" front yard, both on Crespo Drive where a maximum 3'-0" high fence or retaining wall is allowed in the required 15'-0" front yard located'l703 Soledad Avenue and 1721 Kearsarge Road, Zone Rl-8000 Lot 17- kitchen) C-18743 3/18/85 AGREEMENT with Thomas J, Lochtefeld to maintain bar area with double sink (old & outside access in upper level of existing SFD at 1620 Crespo Dr., Zone Rl-8000. AGREE. #3308 6/3/85---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 17- ZA DEINED request of THOMAS J. LOCHTEFIELD to maintain converted garage el imi- nating reqd. off-street parking; 2) to provide one 7'6" x 15' compact parking space encroaching 2'3 11 into public right-of-way; 3) to maintain a 6 1 hi fence observing a I '3" yard; & 5) to maintain a 4' hi planter observing a 9" front yd. where a 15 1 front yard is reqd. at 1620 Crespo Drive, Zone Rl-8000. c-18901 ~ 9/20/85