La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block H Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK H CARD 2.tif oa,Cf7',S LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK H card 2 Lot 7 & 30' Lot 6- Permit to W Harry Comley to enlarge exist gar to have 12' SB (15' req) 7644 Pepita'! Way R-1 Case 291 12/13/5-5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por Lots 9-11- Permit to DR MA & Elizabeth Milne to const sing yd (20' req) at Mar Ave betw Massena St & Country Club Dr R-1 6 mos ext to expire 4/8/60 fam res & gar obs 13' case 2402 4/4/59 case 2402 10/1/59 rear------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por Lots 9-11- Permit to Luther R Bachman & Lyle A Williams to addn to exist sing fam res which obs 8' rear yd addn to obs 4 1 & 8 1 rear yd (5' side & 20' rear yds req) 7620 Pepita Way R-1 'cond: eave ext into approved 41 side yd not exceed 1211 const bedrm & bath side yd (denied 3' side yd) (Rec Survey 4243) Case 4049 4/28/61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5 & por Jot 6- Permit to Alice Hinman McPhail to erect brick post, grape-stake panel fence abutting exist retain wall ranges in hgt from I' to 5'411, fence to range from 3' to 5' above aver adj grd level & obs 0' to 611 SB frm Pepita Way (12'5" aver req) U> 50 Pepita Way R-1 NH Case 4224. 7/3/61 Lots 5-7- AGREEMENT 559 to Edna Farr Roulac to divide the above described Jots into two parcels, according to the attached legal description, and to const a sing fam res on ea 11 /1 /48 Lots 5-7- AGREEMENT 542 to Edna Farr Roulac to divide said lots into two bldg sitei: 1) Lot 5 & of 6 2) Lot 7 & of 6 and to const res on ea parcel 7/16/48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------