La Jolla Park Villa Tract Lot 5&6 Block 75
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT LOT 5&6 BLOCK 75.tif----~ LA JOLLA PARK YIU.A TRACT Ot)t)'t7(., ~. BLOCK 75 .3o. Lota 5 & 6- Permit DENIED to Edwin F. Murp17 to maintain Real EetZ. eign 14., x.Jff"- at 1:345 Virginia Wq, front prop line Ree.11608 7-5-46----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 7 & NEl.7)0 1 Lot 8- Cond. 11 pemit to Mabel Burnett to erect gar 15' SB, 1325 Virginia Wq. Res /13894 5-18-49------------------------------------------------------~---------Lot 10 Permit to const addn to fr ot gar with not less than 11 5" but the addn not to ext.end out beyond gar on prop adj to s, 1301 Virginia Way, R-1 Res#943J 2-15-56--------------------------------------------------------Lot 7 and Nly JO' of Lot 8- AIRJtEIA:NT #588 to Mrs. Mabe!-Burnett to conet a tr and ct stucco sin tam dwelling and gar 4-7-49----------------------------------------------------------_._