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La Jolla Park Villa Tract Resub. Block I Card 19

LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT RESUB. BLOCK I CARD 19.tif ot:ctr?fo-S LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT Resubdivision BLOCK! Lot 8 & Sly 78' Lot 4- Permit to J M Donovan to consdt one sirg fam res & maintain a 15' rear yd 7610 Country Club Dr Res 1637 7/18/46 Lots 5-7- Permitit:o Elizabeth C Fleet to erect and oper res over gar at cor of Pepita St & Country Club Dr 5' side yd & 11.5' rear yd Res 663S6 8/10/37 Lot 8 & Sly 78 1 Lot 4- Pe~mit to Nita W Donovan Bodwell to const res on parcel not of rec- ord at time of zoning but prior to 12/5/54, to have 15' rear yd (25' req) on W side CountryClubDr 150'SofPepitaSt R-1 cond'I Case310&311 3/2/56 Lot 8 & Sly 78' Lot 4- 6 mos ext to Cases 310 & 311 ABOIA/E to Mrs Bodwell Cases 310E & 311 E 9/27/56 Lot 8 & Sly 78' Lot 4- FINAL ext 6 mos to Cases 310E & 311E ABOVE to Mrs Bodwell (To Mrs Eleanor Tarnowski, pur of the property) 3/5/57------------------..------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot I- Permit to Mrs Charlotte P Srahtz & DR John F Brahtz, joint owners(Case 8308) to const dwell & gar roith open stairs at front obs 2' front yd where 15' front yd is req, face of bldg to obs req front yd; and (Case 8348) to const dwell with stairway and wall obs approx 811 side yd on Nly prop 1 ine where 4 1 side yd is req 7617 Pepita!Way betw Country Club Dr & Massena St R-1-5 Cases 8308 & 8348--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--