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La Jolla Shores # 1 Block 10

LA JOLLA SHORES # 1 BLOCK 10.tif.LA JOLLA SHORES NO 1 BLOCK 10 Lot 1- Permit to J Eric & Brooks Forbes to const bedrm addn to exist res having 15' rear yd on SW cor Vallecitos & La Jolla Shores Dr Case 173 10/5/54 Lots 16, 17- Permit DENIED to The Desautels Co. to (-1) convert exist apts to offices now obs a 1 1-6 11 front yard on Aenida De La l!'laya where 10' is req, al' street side yd on Paseo Del Ocaso where 10' is req, a 5'-9" front yard on Calle Clara where 10' is req, and to use exist carport and garage now obs a 1'9" front yard on Calle Clara where 10' is req, as three off-'street parkingB spaces where 11 are req; and (2) eliminate req 1580 sq. ft. of landscaping; at 2236-42 Avenida De La Playa. Zone CN. c-10567 APPEALED- BZA DENIED appeal and the decision of the Z.A. be and hereby affirmed..c-10567 APPEALED TO COUNCIL- 10-26-n- Appeal granted-overruled BZA 1-21-n issf~staineg_and 9-23-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Permit DENIED to the Desautels co. to (1) convert exist sin fam dwell to office now obs a. 3' front yard on Avenida De La Playa where 10' is req, and to use existing carport now obs a 1'9" front yard on Calle Clara wnere 10' is req, as only off-street parking space where five are req; and (2) eliminate req 500 sq. ft. of landscaping at 2246 Avenida De La Playa bet Paseo Del Ocaso and La Jolla Shore Drive. Zone CN. c-10568 1-21-n APPEALED- BZA DENIED appeal and the decision of the Z.A. be and hereby is sustained and affirmed. C- 10568 9-23-71_ ~LED TO_COUNCIL_-_10-26-TI:.- A~tel_granted=overruled BZA_____________________________ see Page 2