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La Jolla Shores # 1 Block 17

LA JOLLA SHORES # 1 BLOCK 17.tif LA JOLLA SHORES NO 1 BLOCK 17 S Lot 8 & all Lot 9- Cond'l permit to Robert L Eller to const gar 8452 La Jolla Shores Dr Res 4452 2/23/50 Lot 10 & Nly 3' Lot 11- Permit DENIED to Col Herbert & Helen K Nusbaum to erect 5' sol id board fence in SB area 8448 La Jolla Shores Dr Res 8764 2/16/55 Lot I- Permit DENIED 0' rear yd (20' req) to Robt & Virginia T Winegardner to const540 sq' gar to obs 2201 Camino del Collado SW cor Lq Jolla Shores Dr R-1 Case 4198 6/30/61 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lot 7 & N Lot 8- Henry S Bonnell and Caroline M Bonnell to const a gar on the S Lot 8 adj prop AGREEMENT 640 2/28/50------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9 & S Lot 8- to Robert L Eller to const a gar on S Lot 8 as ABOVE des AGREEMENT 639 3/2/50--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------