La Jolla Shores #1 Block 5
LA JOLLA SHORES #1 BLOCK 5.tif ' ' ' r......,_.,----- LA JOLLA SHORSS #1 BLOCK 5 /Lot l- Permit to Jane L. Hopps to const bath & carport addn to dwell, bath addn to obs 13 1 rear yard, where 20 1 is req, at 2105 Paseo Dorado, SE cor El P~seo Grande, Zore R-1, condl. Case No. 6385 4-1-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Robert B. & Ellen L. Spðling to erect approx 57' of concrete blk wall 6 1 b.i obs 7' front yd vb.ere a max 3' hi wall is perm within a 15' req:frOnt yd & obs 6 1 street side yd wb.ere 10' is req at 2105 Paseo Dorado, SE cor Paseo Dorado & El Paseo Grande, Zone R-1-5 but APPROVED approx 50' of 6 1 hi masonry wall to obs min 10' front yd & ''street side yd; llWl.y cor of wall tnearest tile intersection of El Paseo Grande & Paseo Dorado} to be curved with a min radius of 5', per plans on file, c-9696 1'.B. 1-27-70 Lot 9- Permit to Aubrey C. & Alice L. Evans to conet 6 1611 x 8 16" bathrm addn to exist sin:fam dwell; addn to obs 18 19" rearyd where 20' is req, at 7916 Paseo del Ocaso betw Calle de la Plata & Paseo Dorado, Zone R-1-5, cond'l. Case#9951 N.H. 6-22-70-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------