La Jolla Shores # 1 Block 9 Card 1
LA JOLLA SHORES # 1 BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA SHORES NO I BLOCK 9 Card No. 1,~ Lot 15- Permit to Margaret Thomas to enclose approx 5'411 xl6 1 area betw gar & res for bath & storage rm addn to obs 13' rear yd Case 116 3/12/54 Lot 9- DENIED Estate of F W Kellogg to const com'l bldg with living units above, with zero SB at SW cor Avenide de la Playa & El Paseo Grande, but APPROVE the com'l bldg with offices on the second floor & with 4 1 SB from El Paseo Grande (7' SB req) R-C Case 2316 2/20/59 Lots l & 2- Z A has considered application of Desautel Co to oomst store bldg on grd floor with 3 unit apt above, both obs 0' SB on Calle de la Plata, where average SB of the blW is req, at the SE cor of Calle de la Plata R-C and has DENIED the req 0' SB b~t APPROVED a 4 1 SB cond'l Case 6026 10/22/63-~-.:i:.-;!';;?:r-------------------------------------------------- ,-------------- Lots l & 2- Resolved by City Council that a laundromat proposed to be located on S side Avenida de la Playa, betw Calle de la Plata & El Paseo Grande, by International Vending Corp is a business similar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular community than the uses perm in Section 101.0425, SD Municipal Code CC Res 179876 5/7/64 Lot 17- Permit to JKKJ Trusts, Naomi Joan Klatt, Trustee, to const 2nd story bedrm addn to liv rm of exist duplex located on lot less than 5000 sq' in area where one dwell only is perm 8017 Calle de la Plata R-2 cond'l Case 8836 9/5/68