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La Jolla Shores # 1 Block 9 Card 2

LA JOLLA SHORES # 1 BLOCK 9 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA SHO:RES NO. 1 BLOCK 9- CARD #2 l2 Lot O- Permit to Ubaldo c. and Ethyl T. D'Errico (1) constr addn to exist shop on gro nd floor and one apt unit above exist nonconforming apt unit..on ground floor; addn to shop to obs 4" front yard where 10' is req; (2) to provide three parking spaces 8'-4" in width where 8 1 6" is req at 2179 Avenida de la P1aya betw Calle de la Platte and El Pasio Grande, Zone CN. Condl. C-1.0442 N.H. 3-31-n Lot 15- Pennit to Jane Cannins to erect approx 45' of slump block vall 5' lligll obs a 5' street aide yard on Paaeo Dorado wnere a max 3' 111gb wall ia perm in a req 10' street aide yard, at 8001 Celle de la Plata betw Paaeo Dorado aDd Ave de l.a Playa. Zone R-2, ~~ef ~/J-r-:-:.k..t2Jt:l.Lf:Z~.:-'.t.:Z!~=~~~-~-=-~;:?.L_~::::~------ (1 O-/D-f"/'-f.- 77,Q" Blt,_ ')