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La Jolla Shores # 3 Block 20

LA JOLLA SHORES # 3 BLOCK 20.tif LArJOLLA SHORES NO 3 BLOCK 20- /0 Lot 7- Permit DENIED Mrs Rose S Kelly to conv exist gar which obs O' side yd & 18' rear yd to rec rm (4' side yd & 25' rear yd req) 8131 Paseo del Ocaso R-1 Case 4166 6/16 & 6/23/61 Lot 7- Appeal by Mrs Rose S Kelly to Case 4166 DENIED 8/17/61 \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Lot 3- Permit to L H & Fern Crager to add 2' to front of exist gar, add to obs 15 1 611 SB wbere the avg SB of the blk 16 1 ~ is req 8165 Paseo del Ocaso betw Calle Clara St & Vollecitos St R-1-5 cond'I Case 7245 7/2/65-----------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Mrs Rose S Kelly to install bar sink in rumpus room 8131 Paseo del Ocaso R-1 AGREEMENT 1185 7/17/62