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La Jolla Shores #6 Block 35

LA JOLLA SHORES #6 BLOCK 35.tif LA JOLLA SHORES #6 BLOCK 35 Lot 5- Permit to Richard S. & Elizabeth W. Dawson to const sing fam res with det carport and storage room resulting in 44% coverage where 4CI!,:, is perm, at El Paseo Grande betw Calle Frescota St. & intersec with Camino del Oro, R-1 Zone, condl. Case No. 6353 3-10-64-------Lot 4- Permit granted to John P & Lee V Snodgrass to const sin fam res w/attchd gar on lot covering 44% of par where 4CY/, perm, on El Paseo Grande btwn Calle Frescota & Camino d el Oro Sts., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6596 7-1-64 Lots 7,8- AGREEMER'l' I 1412 to Edward c. & Adele Smitb to convert exist gar to cnildren's activity rm & install cold water sink at 8315 Camino del Oro, Zone R-1-5 1/23/66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit DENIED to A.P. & Lillie Nielson to (1) construct single fam dwell, por of gar obs 13' front yd, wnere 15' is req; (2) erect approx 92' of 6 1 bigb masonry wall in req 15' front yd, wnere 3' neigbt is perm at 8336 Camino del Oro at intersection witb El Paseo Grande, in tne R-l-5 zone. c-9346 7-15-69