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La Jolla Shores Heights Card 1

LA JOLLA SHORES HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA SHORES HEIGHTS Lot 28- Permit to La Jolla Shores Heights, to const a from 1'611 to 21 into req 20 1 rear yd at 8549 Prestwick Zone R-1-10. CARD# I;}f sing ram res with cor of house encro Dr. betw Iaverness Dr. & Inverness Ct, Case No. 8281 N.H. 8-4-6 7 Lot 10- Permit to La Jolla Shores Heights to const a sing!am res encro 6tt into req 6 1 aide yd at 2765 Inverness Ct. at the SW cor ot its intersection with Dunaway Dr., Zone R-1-10. Case.No. 8389 N.H. 10-9-67------------------------------------------------Lot 9- Permit DEBIED to Serafeim & Marion Ma.souredis to erect approx 87 of redwood fence 6' hi on front prop. line obs O' SB where a max 3' hi fence is perm in a 20' req front yd at 2745 Inverness Ct., betw Prestwick DJ;. & end of cul-de-sac, R-1-10. ~~;~&~;am4fi~~~-Trau:~~ 4;!:t-approx-~;~ 6 ~!-:~::rete-~~:::-~~lc- wall w/a max ht of 64" obs O' front yd at closest point & to erect 5' of 3'4" hi solid redwood fence on top of exist 3' hi solid redwood fence where max 3' fence is perm in req 20' front yd at 2678 Prestwick Ct betw Prestwick Dr & end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-10. C-10059 NH 8-20-70--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- Permit DENIED to Hamilton P. Traub to erect approx 75' of concrete Bl slump blk wall w/a max bt of 6'4" obs O' front yd at closest point & to erect 5' of 3'4" hi solid redwood fence on top of exist 3' bi solid redwood fence where max 3' Bence is perm i req 20' front yd at 2678 Prestwick Ct betw Prestwick Dr & end of cul-de-sac, Zone n C-10105 NH 9-21-70 R-1-10.