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La Jolla Strand Block 1 Card 2

LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 1 Por. Lots 64 &65- Permit to Carole G. Keim for perm apartment bldg obs 3' sideyrds, where 4' are req, at St and Playa del Sur, in the R-3 Zone Cond'l CARD#2 \3 to constr a two-story, 3-unit 336 Playa del Norte, betwn Bonair C-11,665 N.H. 5-15-73---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 73, w Lot 72, E Lot 74- Z.A. considered i the req of Louise Hammel to maintain app roximately 65 1 of 81." high solid wood fence obs al' int side yard where max 6 high fence is perm in req 4' int side yard, at 3o4 Blaya del Norte betw Neptune Place and La Jolla Blvd, Zone R-3 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED maintaining the Nly approx 50' which should terminate within approx l' from an adjoining post, with all new boards from that point toward tne street being removed in accordance with Exhibit "A on file. c-12002 7-5-73 Lots 32, 33, 34 and 35- Permit to Bonair Colony Ltd. to main two trellises obs a 11 front yard and to main approx 20 1 of approx 4'-6 11 high screen fence obs a 5' front yard. 377-407 1 /2 Bona ir Street. Zone R-3. Condit ions. C-14925. 3-8-78. Lot 68- Permit APPROVED by ZA to OTTO BEALE WETZELL & BARNEY W. WETZELL to construct a 9'-611 X 20 1 garage with deck on top observing an 8 1 front yard where 15' is required, at 324 Playa Del Norte, Zone R-3. Conditions..f-17670