La Jolla Strand Block 1 Card 4
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 1 CARD 4.tif LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 1 Card /14 Lots 1-3- ZA DELETED Item 1, APPROVED Item 2 and DENIED Items 3,4, & 5 of variance request of B & G HOLDING COMPANY, INC., to remodel a 12-unit nonconforming apartment complex to 6 units resulting in (1) 63% coverage where 50% is the maximum permitted; (2) 10 parking spaces where 12 are required; and to construct (3) balconies to observe a 1'-4" rear yard where 7 1-0" is required; (4) balconies to observe a 10'-6" front yard where 15 1-0" is required; and (5) 6'-0" high wrought iron gate within 15'-0" required front yard where 3 1-0 11 is the max. height permitted for open fencing, located at 215 Bonair Street, R-1000 Zone, Coastal Zone. Conditions. C-20511 7/13/90