La Jolla Strand Block 11 Card 1
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK H c:ard '' Lots 38-40- Permit to Raymond A & Doris of La Jolla Blvd Rosemont St Jung Permit to erect a 4 Ulili t court 100' w L.ots 34-37- Permit to Geni vi eve Ferguson, owner & to erect two 4 unit courts N side of Rosemont St ~esft51 4/4/47 Robert & Jaraet ~artin, purchs, I 00' W of La Jo I l a Bl vd Res 2201 4/24/47 Lot 41- Permit to Lucile F Mercer DENIED to const grapestake fence 5' high out beyond SB line where 2' high fence is perm 320 Rosemont St Res 570T 7/2$/51 Lots 44-50- Permit to Florence H Woolsey, owner & Miss Ebba Stjernfeldt, oper, Boarding House for Aged cond'I 258 Rosemont St Res 5657 7/11/51 Lots 44-50- Ext of Res 5657 ABOVE to Miss Ebba Stjernfeldt to oper Boarding House at 258 Rosemont St to expire 6/30/55 Res 7503 6/10/53 Lots 24 & 25- Permit DENIED to Carl F & Alice Textor, owners & J L & Anne Pierson, purch, to const duplex above 4 car gar in rear of res making 3 units 347 Kolmar Ave Res 8749 2/16/55--------------------------------------------------r----------------------------------------- Lots 44-50- Ext of 2 yrs of Res 7503 6/10/53 to Ebba Stjernfeldt to aper a Boarding House at 258 Roeemont St Res 8990 6/22/55 Wly Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Jas C Kerns to const res & gar res having 5' rear yd (15'req) Kolmar St SEly cor Vista del Mar R-2 cond'l Case 696 8/13/56 Paul Blount, pur FINAL ext 8/12/57 6 mos ext 1/25/57