La Jolla Strand Block 12 Card 1
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 12 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA 6STRAND BLOCK 12 ~ card l same to be removed Lot 1- To const small temp bldg 8'x10' for tract office within 1 yr fr date Southwest Union Securities Corp Res 43748 12/1/27---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13-15- John & Irene A Bretz DENIED req to erect two sing fam dwell on ea of said lots with 20' SB from Electric Ave W side betw Palomar & Rosemont Sts Res 3473 10/6/48 Lots 3-5- Permit to Dr Damon E Corbin to const a doctors' clinic with rear yd of approx 8 1 on La Jolla Blvd R-4 Res 4817 7/12/50-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-5- Permit to Dr Damon E Corbin to const addn to bldg to have 8 1 411 rear yd (IO' req) 6515 La Jolla ~lvd R-4 Case 352 3/8/56-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-5- Cond'I permit to DE Corbin to const med-dental bldg at SW cor of said lots where existing bldg obs 8 1~ rear yd (10' req) proposed bldg to obs all yd reqmts 6501-6105 La Jolla Blvd R-4 Case 1874 5/29/58 Lots 9-12- Permit to Max & Lucille Ortner to const two 2 sty on Electric Ave (Aver of blk 33' is req} 6520-6530 Electric 4 unit apt houses R-2, con' I Case 3162 & 3246 obs 15' SB 4/1 /60? 3/4/60 Lots 9-12- Permit to Max & Lucille M Ortner to const carport addn for 8 cars tying the two 4 unit apt houses together, makin~ 59/o cov (50"/o perm} 6520-6530 Electric Ave R-2 cond' J: al I const comp! y with pl ans on fi I e in Zon Div Case 3669 11 /18/60