La Jolla Strand Block 13 Card 1
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 13 CARD 1.tif \ LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 13 0 card Lots 9 & 10- Permit granted to James J Fl int to build one sty res within 10' of line 245 Rosemont St Res 51382 9/10/29 Lots 29-36- Permit to Orville C, Evelyn N, Helen M, James C Purpus to build & operate a 9 unit court at Palomar & La Jolla Blvd Res 2063 2/15/47 Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Donald Doxie to const duplex and 3- gar & store rm with 1 apt above, on Palomar St W of La Jolla Blvd Res 2457 8/27/47 Lots 29-36- Ext of 6 mos granted to R W McCreary and Del Thurber on Res 2063 Res 2484 8/27/47 Lots 39 & 40- Ext of 6 mos of Res 2457 ABOVE granted to Donald Doxie Lots 35 & 36- Permit to CB Alger to const 2 4 unit apt bldgs on Palomar St 175' W of La Jolla Blvd Res 2889 2/25/48 crossing the lot 1 ines Res 31 85 6/2/48 Lots 35 & 36- Permit to CB Alger to const 2 4 unit apt bldgs on Palomar St with a 13'SB Res 3186 6/2/48 Lots 39 & 40- Ext of 6 mos on Res 2889 which extended Res 2457 BOTH ABOVE granted to Minnie E Hoenes Res 3419 9/8/48 L~t; 33-36- Cond permit to Helen N Brown, purch & CB Alger, ~wn~ to const 2 4unit apt bldgs 5' SB N side of Palomar 175' W of La Jolla Res 4501 3/8/50