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La Jolla Strand Block 4 Card 1

LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 4-Lot 2 e'xc the ~E 22.475'- all Lots 3 & 4- P~rmit to Elizabeth S Dodge to erect addn to res having 2' side yd at 6715 Neptune St addn obs req side yd and erect gar wt1 h 1' side yd Res 1920 12/5/46------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2 xc SE 22.475' & all Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Elizabeth S Dodge to remodel exist sing fam res obs approx 2 1 to 1' side yd with chimney obs approx 411 side yd and convert to duplex to obs approx 2' to I' side yd with chimney obs approx 411 side yd; and demolish exist gar fronting on Vist~ Del Mar Ave and const new 4 car gar and stor rm, new gar to obs all yd req 6715 Neptune St betw Playa Del Sur St & Gravilla St R-2 cond'I Case 4688 1/18/62 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Dr & Mrs Harold H ~hodes to add apt units over exist apt dwell making a total of 10 units on par furnishing open air parking area for 6 autos obs 3' from pl on Neptune Pl with 9' fr curb at 6722 Vista Del Mar Zone R-4 where-ne-vehJele paPking or parking area within 20 1 of curb & in no event with less than 3' of pl is perm cond'l Case 5646 5/7/63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Freda Falter to main 66 1 of ret wall with blk wall on top, total ht 4.4' in frontyd on Neptune & 36' of 3,3 1 In st sldeyd on Playa Del Sur where 1 max 31 hi wall ls perm In 15 1 frontyd & JO' st sldeyd, 6725 Neptune Pl, Zone R-3, cond I C-13554 NH 4-5-76------- ----------------------------------------------------------------