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La Jolla Strand Block 5 Card 3

LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 5 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 5 ~ Ca rd # 3 Lot l- Permit to David C. Wiswall to const 2-story duplex with balcony obs 12 1 front yd where 15 1 is req, at 6701 \Tis ta del Mar betw Gra.villa St. & Playa del Sur St., Zone R-2. ~ f Case No. 8515 N.H. 1-5-68 Ol Lots 47-51- Permit to Michael & Rl:londa Tellep to replace approx 100' of exist redwootl fence, 61 ni, obs al' front yd wnere a max 3' bi fence is perm in a 15' req front yd; replacement fence to be from 61 2" to 7' in nt at 242 Gravilla St betw Vista del Mar & La Jolla Blvd., Zone R-2, C-9908 NB 5-26-70 L-ot II- Permit to Mr. and Mrs. David M. Korn to main 6 1 high fence obs a 2 1 front yard at 287 Playa de! Sur, Zone R-3A. Condition. C-15463. 10-12-78, i/ Lot 20- Ralph A. & Dorothy E. Campbell to constr a 2 1x10' bdrm addn to exist nonconforming SFD; addn to obs 3 1 int side yd where 4 1 is reqd & result in 56% lot cov where max 50"/o is per at 341 Playa del Sur,zone R-3 C-15686 12/15/78--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 20- Ralph A. & Dorothy E. Campbell- 2 1 x 10 1 bdrm add to obs 3 1 int side yd (4' req) & result in 56% cov (50% permitted)- Cond. N.H. C-15686 341 Playa del Sur 12/15/78------------------..-------,.~----- ~----------------------------------------------------------- Lots 24 and 25- Permit APPROVED by ZA to BARRY H, LEICHTLING to construct two-story, 3-unit condominium building, observing 7 1 front yard where 15 1 is required, at 357 Playa Del Sur, Zone R-3. Conditions. c-16032 6-21-79