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Development Services

La Jolla Strand Block 6

LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 6.tif / LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 6 Lots 19-26- Cond' 1 permit to Mr & Mrs John Bretz, Jr to const an apt hotel & gar with no SB Res 4731 6/14/50 Lots 19-26- 6 mos ext for exp date of Res 4731 ABOVE Res5222 1/10/51 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lotsl-5- Irene A Bretz to ~rect 4 1 x6 1 painted TABLED to erect sign obs 0' SB & protruding over City TABLED doubld faced sign on Lot 3-per plans Case 3531 8/10/60 prop avg SB of blk is 7' Case 3532 8/10/60 Lots 1- 8 inclusive and Lots 13- 26 inclusive- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JACK W. CRUMLY, ROBERT MC GINNIS, and ROBERT B. BOTTOMLY- Trustees, to construct a new lobby extension and porte cochere in the CC zone and (1) convert existing three-bedroom apartment unit in the RV zone to five additional motel units (resulting in 61 units where 56 exist); (2) to remodel front of existing motel and close existing entrance. Existing structure observes 0 1 front yard (closed enclosure entrance to also observe a 0 1 front yard) where 15 1 is required; and (3) to provide 74 off-street parking spaces where 49 exists with a portion of the spaces fronting Electric Avenue observing a 0 1 front yard where all spaces in the CC zone are required to be in the rear half of the lot when the parcel has more than 100 1 of street frontage (existing off-street parking observes a 0 1 front yard on Electric Avenue), at 6705 La Jolla Boulevard, Zones RV and CC. Conditions. C-17533 2-12-82