La Jolla Strand Block 7 Card 1
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif,,,(.: I LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 7 Lots 23-26- on Electric Ave betw Ravilla & Rosemont in A zone to G Klass Lots 17-20- Suspends zone for FA Jackson It 3 card I- ~l Suspended for 3 houses & S gar Res 37264 3/22/26 Res 43554 11/7/27 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Donald Grovenburg, owner and Robert E and Angeline Snelgrove, purchasers to const four 1 iving units on aaid lots bldgs to cross lot lines W side of Electric Ave betw Rosemont and Gravilla Sts Res a666 11/19/47 Lots 37-40- Permit to JR CHittick & Raymond C Swartwood to const 6 unit aptcourt 4 gar NW cor Rosemont & Electric cond'l Res4411 1/25/50 Lots 21 & 22- Permit DENIED to Dorothy F Trevor to const res making total of 4 units on lot in R-2 Sw cor Gravilla & electric Res 5715 7/25/51 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 21 & 22- Dorothy F Trevor to canst res making total of 4 units on lot SW cor Gravilla & Electirc Z C decision overruled Res CC 103504 8/28/51,Lots 21 & 22- Dorothy F Trevor ABOVE referred back to Z C by CC on Res 103337 8/14/51 Lots 27 & 28- P rmit to John H Johnson to bld addn to exist gar & maintain 6 1 rear yd Electric Ave betw Gravilla & Rosemont Res 6225 2/20/52-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------