La Jolla Strand Block 8 Card 1
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif,.,;' <"""-_;..--- ca rd l t LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 8 Lots 30 & 31- Cond'l permit to Henry S & Alene Marie Cooper, owners & Boynton pur to const 2 fam res (4 units in all) 2'3" access court & 15' alley to rear units 6666 La Jolla Blvd SEE BELOW Res 4069 Warren A. 8/10/49 Lots 30 & 31- 6 mos ext to Henry S & Alene Marie Cooper, owners & Warren A Boynton, pur ABOVE Res 4935 1 /25/50 Lots 36 & 37- Permit to W F & Gertrude L Regenhardt to const duplex with 15' SB but not less than 1st exist bldg to W N side of Kolmar 100' W of La Jofla Blvd Res 5943 10/17/51 Lots 36 & 37- Permit DENIED to W F & Gertrude L Regenhardt to const duplex with attached gar & laaadry rm with 50% cov N side of Kolmar Res 5900 10/17/51 Lots 19 & 20- Cond'l appr to,Mrs Frederica G Sweet to const deluxe duplex 3-car gar., & uti 1 lty room,.with 48',{, coverage where l+O"/o is perm at 327 Gravi l la Case 760 10/1/56---------------------------------,---------------------------------------------------------- Lots 19 & 20- Permit DENIED AB Krom to const studio apt on top of exist detached J'.. car gar & utility room on par with exist duplex, making 3 un.its on par; studio apt to be ~ved by 7 1 811 access court 325-327 Gravilla St (10' ace req) R-2 Cases 4473 & 4474 10/20/ 1-----------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------' Lots 44 & 45- Requests DENIED Harold F & Alice F Kenton to demolish exist sing fam res on par & const 4 plex (total of 4 units on 2 lots) covering!:lfoof par (40'% perm) 3L4Kolmar St R-2 Cases 4597 & 4598 2/15./61