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Development Services

La Jolla Valley Vista

LA JOLLA VALLEY VISTA.tif LA JOLLA VALLEY VISTA \1 <,. ~~ Lot 13- Permit to David & Jean Adams to erect 20' of 6 1 high solid wall obs a O' Candlelight Drive at 901 Candlelight Place. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-14522 NH. st sd yd on 7-14-77.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- Permit APPROVED BY A2A to Hans W. & Doris Chi to construct a garage, two bedrooms, two baths and service room addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe at closest point a 51 rear yard where 20' is required, at 943 Candlelight Place, zone Rl-8. Condition. Case 16638 3-21-80 Lot 8, Fence Variance was approved by SCA, ALEX VILLIGER sought to construct 1) an 80' long retaining wall within the requried 5' rear yard, to a maxi- mum height of 16'8"; and 2) a 17'4" long combination retaining wall and solid fence within the requried 5' interior yard, ranging from 6 1 6" to 16'8" where a maximum cornbinaed height of 12' of retaining wall and solid fence is allowed, provided no single plane exceeds 6' in height, and that horixon- tal separations are provided in compliance with design criteria at 953 Can- dlelight Place, Rl-8000 Zone C-21348 2-16-96------------------------------------------------------------------.------