La Jolla Vista Estates
LA JOLLA VISTA ESTATES.tif \ LA JOLLA VIS'l'A ESTATES (,o Cfo l-;-7 Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Kenneth M, & Sara F. Moser to develop tennis court, to be enclosed with a 12' hi chain link fence, extending into req 8' side & 25' rear yd, on a vacant lot immediately adj to parcel improved with a sin tam home under tne same ownership wbere accessory uses are req to be on the same premises for which they serve & wbere a max 6' hi fence is perm in req 8' side & 25 ' rear yd at 2975 Woodf'ord Dr. betw Revelle Dr. & end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-l-20. C-9358 7-1-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 17- Permit to Dr. & Mrs. John S. 'from.bold to erect approx 170' of 10' bi chain link fence & 6- 12' hi posts with 4 lighters attached to 4 posts, enclosing tennis court; fence to encroach l' ~ into req 8 1 side yd & 14' into req 25' rear yd where max 6 1 hi wall or fence is perm in req side & rear yds at 7855 Revelle Dr., south of La Jolla Scenic Dr. & nw of La Jolla Vista Dr., Zone R-1-20. C-9601 Jf,H. 11-14-69 Lot 14- Permit to Sanuel S.D. & Kathryn E, Yen to constr a detached rec room on lot with exist sin fam dwell; rec room to obs a 6 1 interior side yard Where 8 1 is req and a 6 1 rear yard where 25' is req, at 7867 La Jolla Vista Dr betw Revelle Dr and dead-end of La Jolla Vista Dr. Zone R-1-20. C-11722 l-10-7S I.J.Jt 2- l\greenent with Manual & Mary Puig-Llano to renodel and construct an addn. to an existing garage. Renodel and extension to result in a \\Urkshop with 3/4 bathroan and la.mdry roan with exterior access from garage and interior access thJ:u kitchen/breakfast nook at 7866:Revelle, IJSPD S.F. l\gree. # 4746 9/6/90