La Mesa Colony Block 14 Card 2
LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 14 CARD 2.tif LA MESA COLONY Block 14 Lot 4- Permit to Lloyd G. & Olive E. Curtis to constr duplex S side Mohawk St betw 71st & 72nd Sts, Res. 9\41 Lots 16, 17- Property use permit to Carl Warner to add 4 units 7166 El Cajon Blvd. Res 6352.~-;;;.ltr; attach gar w/15 1 sat:!l- 8/31/55 to exist l0 1 unlt court, 4/2/52 Lots 16, 17- Dell Thurber to erect & operate 10 1 unlt auto court & Mgr 1 s apt on N side 4/12/46 El Cajon betw 71st & 72nd Sts Res 1477 Lots 20-22- G. H. Lageson, own, E. F. Kiener, purch- to & mgr 1 s quarters, N side El Cajon Blvd., 100 1 E of 71st Res 6121 erect & operate 27-unlt motel Lot 3- Lloyd G. Curtis to constr duplex w/15 1 SB on S side Mohawk betw C-319 Lot 3- 6-mo. ext to ABOVE 1/23/52 71st & 72nd, / /56 9/14/56 R-2 Lot 16 & 17- AZ considered request of KENNETH H. & MARJORIE E. HARVEY to constr. 2-story, 30-unit motel/apartment complex with 9 units having kitchens; building to observe 0 1 front yd. & 0 1 interior side yd where 15 1 front & 4 1 side & rear is reqd when any portion is developed residentially at 7166 El Cajon Blvd, Zone C & after consideration has OENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of a 2-story, 30-unit motel/apartment complex with 9 units having kitchens; building to observe a 0 1 interior side yd where 4 1 is reqd, subj to conds. c-18666 12/21/84 APPEALED TO BZA on 2/6/85 BZA granted appeal overturning decision of ZA.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---