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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Block 5

LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 5.tif Cdo,._1 v' I,.(\ MESA BLOCK 5 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Rita H Maloney to build and opera 10 unit auto court subject to architectural plans being approved by City PC Res 70736 2/6/40 Lots 1 & 2- Build 3 houses on 2 lots keep SB on 68th St & Mohawk St Granted to Marior Gebert 6801 Mohawk St Res 71850 7/23/40 Lots 19 & 20- Granted to Matty J & Theresa Berka 4940 Comanche Dr, La Mesa, to conduct a 21 unit auto court Res 72919 12/17/40 Lots 16-18- Permit to James T Miller to erect & opera 7 unit addition to an exist motel 6848 El Cajon Blvd Res 2040 2/14/47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 16-18- Permit to L M Frink to unit coverted without authorization Blvd conv exist gar to motel unit & legalize one total of 16 units & 17 park spaces 6848 El Cajon Res 7111 1 /21 /53--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 16-18- To amend Res 7111 ABOVE to permit L M Frink to conv 4 exist gar into 4 motel units' making total of 19 units with 25 off st park 6848 El Cajon Res 7226 3/4/53--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3 & W Lot 4 & Mohawk St clsd adj-Frances & Betty June Warner to build two living units S 238 9/22/54 E 20 1 Lot 5 & all Lot 6 & st clsd adj-Clayton J & Genevieve G Clark to build 2 liv uni ts S 2ll 9/22/54 E Lot 4 & W 30' Lot 5 & st clsd adj- Myron E & Barbara C Mershon to build 2 1 iv uni ts S. 240 9/22/54