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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 10 Card 1

LA MESA COLONY LOT 10 CARD 1.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot JO card Lot JO- Permit to Geo Pearson & CE Summers 4162 63rd St to opera pony ring at NW cor of 63rd St & ~I Cajon Blvd for a period of I yr from 12/16/41 Granted by Res 75787 12/16/41 Por- DENIED permit to Clayton R & Hazel M Woodgeard, fee own & Ruby B Childers, purch, to alter an exist res at 4720 63rd St into a duplex Res 593 4/27/44 Por- Cond'l permit to Geerge Pearson, own & CE Summers, Jessee to continue oper of a Pony Ride at 63rd St & El Cajon Blvd Res 1195 11/23/45 SE por- Cond'l permit to George Pearson, own & R J Willie, lessee, to oper & maintn an open air child's Amusement Area at 63rd & El Cajon Blvd Res 1636 7/18/46 SE por- City Council sustained the action of the Zon Comm Res 1636 to permit open air Child Amusement Area at 63rd St & El Cajon Blvd to be operated by R tl Willie and owned by George Pearson Res 83817 8/6/46 Por- Permit to Thaddeus J & Lorna F Sessions to move exist res at 6164 El Cajon from C to R-1 zone at rear of lot & use as store for garden supply business for per of 6 mos Res 1942 12/19/46