La Mesa Colony Lot 18
LA MESA COLONY LOT 18.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 18 All Lot 18 exc N of Ely prolongation of the N line of Lot 8 & all Lot 8- Permit to lyn Boyd, George S Vanderburg, CM Kuhl ken, C Wayne Kuhl ken and E W Kuhl ken, owns ~ Clinton D Mckinnon & Associates, purchs to const a radio broadcasting sta incl transmitter bldgs & three 235 1 steel towers Res 1236 12/20/45 All Lot 18 exc N of Ely prolongation of the N line of Lot 8- Permit to Clinton D Mckinnon & Associates to-chang the location of the transmitter bldg for radio station to a point approx 200 1 E of termination of 62nd St parallel to the N prop boundary line owned by Clinton D McKinnon & Associates Res 83495 6/25/46 Por- Permit to burr Stalnaker to split out par & erect sing fam res strip along Acorn & 10 1 along Seminole Dr be deeded to City Res 6413 provided 25 1 4/30/52 7