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La Mesa Colony Lot 2

LA MESA COLONY LOT 2.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 2 Lot 2- por- & a por of N of Lot 21- Rancho Mission- bounded by College Ave montezuma Road Ext, 63rd St & Cocas Lane- Denied permit JS Perry, own & Clinton D McKinnon purchaser to erect a 5000 watt brt> edcasting station including transmit ting bldg & three 235' steel towers Res 1020 7/18/45 Por Lots I & 2- TABLED- Vito & Nina Calafato to const 2 sing fam dwell obs 10 1 front yd on 68th St where 15' req; 10 1 front yd on Mohawk St where 15 1 req; 4 1 rear yd where 15' req, result in 55% lot oov where 50% perm Block 5 6803 Mqhawk St 1betw 68th St & 69th St R-2 Case 8194 6/30/67