La Mesa Colony Lot 23 Card 3
LA MESA COLONY LOT 23 CARD 3.tif CAM# 3 LA MESA COLONY lot 23 Por 50'xl50'- P.ermlt to Margaret E Sander to const one sing fam res on NWly side of Seminole Dr Sof El Cajon blvd subject to certain conditions Res 1988 1/16/47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit to Otto A & Elsa I Johnson to erect a single fam res on a por of lot (des on file with orig petition) located on Seminole Dr approx 1000 1 S of El Cajon provided the necessary easement of 10 1 for future widening of Seminole Dr be granted to the City of San Diego Res 2314 6/19/47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por (150'xl30 1)- Pennit to Narle W Thornburgh, own and Edwin J Brach purch to const and operate a 20 unit motel S side of El Cajon Bpulevard opp Art St providing 3~ an easement 20 1 in width is granted to the City for the widening of El Cajon aoulevard Res 2609 10/22/47 Por- Permit to Russell S StowelJ 0,et al owns and Safeway Stores, Inc purch to bid & operate grocery store bldg with 01 side yd and pkg lot at S side of El Cajon Blvd at Art St thru to Seminole Dr Res 5171 12/13/50 Poo- 6 mos ext to Russell S Stowell et owns & Safeway Stores Inc purch to Res 5171 which was amen9ed as to'. 11;em 7 on I y by Res 5565 Res 5644 6/27 /51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- To amend Res 5171 as to Item 7 only Res 5565 5/31/51 Por- 6 mos ext to Russell S Stowell, et al owns & Safeway Stores Inc, purch to Res 5644 ABOVE Res 6059 I 2/1 7 /51