La Mesa Colony Lot 24 Card 2
LA MESA COLONY LOT 24 CARD 2.tif CARD # 2 LA MESA COLONY Lot 24 N 70'- Permit to Samuel & R Christine Rose to operas park lot for exist grocery store across the st on the NE 1cor 70th & Amherst cond'l Res 8686 1/5/55 3 "),-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por & Lot 24 Tommasa Subd- Permit to Rolando Community M~thodist Church to const 60'x93' addn to exist ch bldg S side El Cajon Blva betw Seminole D & Filipo cond 1 1 es 7137 2/4/53--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Cond'I rmit to Henry M & Gussie Crowe to operate carburetion equipment installation and repairs to automobiles 4797 Seminole Dr Res 8098 3~1/55 Por- Ext to Res 8098 ABOVE to Henry M & Gussie Crowe to continue oper of carburetion equip & repairs to cars.4797 Seminole Dr cond'l Res 9018 7/P/55 Por Lot 24 & all Lots 23 & 24 Tommasa subd- Permit to Rol~o He~urch to const edu unit at 4833 Seminole Dr R-1 cond'I Case 190 6/20/58 Por Lot 24- Permit to Rolando Methodist Church to (7260) erect & Maintain one sing faced, indirect lighted 3'x6' sign at intersec of Siminole Dr & Folip St identifying "Rolando Methodist Church" sign to be mounted on two posts with top of sign 5' above grd & (7261) obs a 10 1 SB on both sts where the avg S5 of the blk is req 4855 Seminole Dr at intersec with Filipo St R-1-5 C-ee TQIRFRiliil s11;~ (_~ases 7260 &__ 7/27/65