La Mesa Colony Lot 28 Card 1
LA MESA COLONY LOT 28 CARD 1.tif- LA MESA COLONY Lot 28 Por of Lot 28 60'xl20'- Permit to Raymond E second sing fam res in R-1 subject to granting 50' to extend La Oorna St card Cassell 4664 Orange Ave to erect City 10 1 to widen Catoctin Dr & Res 69320 5/16/39 Lot 28 por- cgnst sign fam res 60' frontage Granted to Mr & Mrs Frank Cassel 3934 El Cajon Blvd Res 71323 5/8/40--------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------ f> or- Permit to Tunis F & Lyal 1 M Tchker to canst addn to an exist res at 5088 La Dorna Dr prop does not have f,rontage on a dedicated st Res 586 4/27/44 Por- Cond' I permit to Lewis S Brown to erect a 5' fence 50" of woven wire & the remaining 10" of 3 strands of barbed wire 5010 Catoctin Dr Res 932 5/10/45 NE por approx 144'x150'- Permit to BC Smith to divide to permit one sing fam res on the entire par Res 1634 7/18/46--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Porat SW cor of Catoctin Dr & Montezuma Rd- Permit to Myles Standish to erect a residence as shown on plat on file in Planning Dept off provided a 15' setback is maintained on Catoctin Dr & a 15' SB maintained on Montezuma Rd Res 1743 & 17-44 9/12/46--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Conditional permit to Fred & Verna Holding Sr to div prop into 2 bldg sites 5080 Catoctin Dr Res 1776 9/26/46-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------