La Mesa Colony Lot 28 Card 4
LA MESA COLONY LOT 28 CARD 4.tif LA MESA- COLONY ~ot 28 Por- Permit to Clarence A & Barbara Land purch to erect sing fam res on Sly 75' of lot approx Dorna Dr card 4 & Tunis F & Lyall Tucher owns 400' N of Monte~uma Rd W side La Res 6554 6/25/52 Nly 59.. 91. ibf 159.9' par of par of Lot 28 adj 5050 La Dorna St- To split out the 59.9' & erect sing fam res the remaining 100 1 par to be held in one ownership (A776) SEE AGREEMENT 776 Res 6957 11/12/52 Por- To grant 6 mos ext to Res 6445 ABOVE to Gaetano & Mary Aleto, owns & Syl L & Mary Haehn purch to split par & erect sing fam res~ Res 6976 11/12/52 J-7---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"' Por- Permit to Maurice S & Edith MeGehee & Robt Wiedenfeld- to div into 2 par & erect sing fam res on ea~ E side La Dorna Dr approx 210' N of Montezuma Rd Res 7108 1/21/53 Por- Final ext to Sylvester L & Mary P Haehn, owns & Smauel J & A Long,purchs to split out this por & erect sing fam res NE cor Montezuma Rd & La Dorna Por- Cond\1 permit to George G & Esther L of res having 20' rear yd where 25' is req of Catocti n R-1 Res 7414 5/13/53 Crawford to const sing fam res with por on S side of Montezuma Rd aP,prox 190 1 W Res 8179 5/12/54