La Mesa Colony Lot 28 Card 6
LA MESA COLONY LOT 28 CARD 6.tif LOT 28 Por- AGREEMENT #776 to Donabelle La France and Lorraine Mumford to split out the Northern 59.9 1 of a 159.9 ft. parcel and erect a single family residence thereon Case 6957 lJ/14/52----------------------------------------------- Por. Permit to Harry '3. & Irene Harks to const sin f1m res obs 4 1 sideyd. (5 1 req. at 5081 La Dorna, Zone R-1) Case 2216 2/13/59 Por. Lot 28 & 29, permit to Joel W. & Virginia "ledgwick to const addn t,o res on lot split after date of original, prior to 12/5/54 Por lots 28 & 29 split prior to Permit to John K. Hodge to rpmodel exist sing fam res & const gar on parceJ 12/5/54, 5106 Catoctin Dr. R-1 that gar not eYceed 500 sq. ft. in area Cqse 3160 3/4/60 Por- Permit to Lawrence Sheehan & Doanbelle La France & Lorraine Mumford to shift lot lines & add approx 14' to par 4 at 5060 La Dorna Dr R-1 cond C/S be filed Case 2059 9/26/58--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot 28- AGREEMENT with RACHEL AND LEONID RADOMSHELSKY to add full bath and room with outside access to an existing single-family dwelling at 5033 La Dorna, AGREE. #3600 12/2/86 extend fam. Rl-5000.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------