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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 31

LA MESA COLONY LOT 31.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 31 Por- Pennit to Harry W & Lucille M Ogilvie & Clyde J Jennie Stephens toa:ljust lot lines perm Cert of Survey on file in Plan Off 5054 67th St & 5060 67th St Case 2445 ~/17/59, Harry W & Lucille M Ogilvte to add to and remodel exist side yd (5 1 req) add to obs all yd req 5064 67th St sing fam res which obs 3 1 & 1 R-1 cond' 1 Case 2446 4/17/59 (6 Por and Lots 30, 32, A & B- Permit to Canyon Properties, Owner and Reservoir Properties to constr & operate a PRD west of 56tn St betw Montezuma and Alvarado Roads, Zone R-1-5. ~{1:L?~f_3_l______________________________________:~-~~:---------=~=~::::_____