La Mesa Colony Lot 32 Card 1
LA MESA COLONY LOT 32 CARD 1.tif.. LA MESA COLONY Lot 32 CARD #1 /(Por Lot 32.- Cond 'l Use Permit to Russell Segel for hospital & accessory bldgs, El Cajon Blvd & 67th St. Ext 12/18/57 & 6/11/58 Ext 1/7/59 Ext AMEND to 54 bed and change bldgs. c.u.P. 1096 5/3/57 Por- Permit to Conrad Kampman & Charles Langdon to const & opera 49 bed convalescent hospital, located at the Wly terminus of Mohawk St. betw Montezuma Rd. & Saranac St., R-1 Zone. 6 month ext to exp 7 /23/64 (2/1 7 /64) Case/!5801 7 /23/63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por and Lots 30, 31, and A & B- Permit to Canyon Properties, Owner and Reservoir Properties to constr & operate a PRD west ~f 56th St betw Montezuma and Alvarado Rds. Zone R-1-5. ~ G-19-73)_____________________________________________ PFID #59_______ 10-6-12_______ Par.- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Mid-City Development Permit to M.S. PARTNERSHIP to construct a Mid-City Development at 6669-86 El Cajon Boulevard, Map 346, CL-3 Zone. MCDP #88-0609 9-16-88