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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 34

LA MESA COLONY LOT 34.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 34 Por permit DENIED Albert Augustin to const a por of a sin fam res major part of tne res located in tne County. Res.#200 11/5/42;:>;;t-ro_n_s__ o_f_L-;t;--ff_i_f4_&_a--Port-ion--caJon--B-lvd,--(Parcefiif;-PM-9489)_--AiAAPPRO-VED-the-- amended request to Amherst Street Limited to (1) construct 4-story, 26-unit condominium observing at closest point a 16'3" rear yard where 21' is required; and (2) erect 68 1 of 0 1-611 high retaining wall with 6 1 open fence on top for overall height of 6 1-12 1 and 37' of 6 1-10 1 high retaining wall with 6 1 open fence on top for overall height of 12 1-6 1 where maximum 6 1 high retaining wall with a 3.5 1 high open space fence is permitted, at 6600 Block Amherst Street, zone R-3. Conditions. Case 16581 3-11-80