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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 37 &38 Card 2

LA MESA COLONY LOT 37 &38 CARD 2.tif LAMESA COLONY LOT 37 & 38 Card #2. r Por- Permit to MW Hansel to const a sing fam res on said parcel, located at the SE cor of 69th St and Mandalay Rd Res 26_6 11/5/47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Gunnard Erik & Evelyn D Peterson to divide a par of land into tow bldg sites and permit a sing ram res on ea E side of 69th St N of Saranac St Res 2628 11/5/47 Por Lots 37 & 38 & Lot D- permit to Royal C & Dorothy J Ek to divide a parcel of land into 3 bldg sites and permit a singfam res on each E side of 69th St 2251 N of Saranac St Res 2629 11/5/47 Por Lot 37- Fred Helm DENIED permit to redivide a parcel into two bldg sites ea 62 1 in width and permit sing fam res on ea W side of 69th St N of Saranac St Res 3572 12/1/48 Por Lot 37- Permit to LeRoy and Ruthlene Hochgraber to const sing fam res on said parcel NW cor 69th and Saranac Sts providing 15 1 SB is obs on 69th St and the req SB on Saranac Res 3615 12/15/48 Por- Permit DENIED to LeRoy and Ruthlene Hochgraber to div port of lot into two parcels NW cor of Saranac & 69th St Res 5380 J/7/51---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------