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La Mesa Colony Lot 5 Card 2

LA MESA COLONY LOT 5 CARD 2.tif.- ' LA MESA COLOOY LOT 5 ' CARD 1i2 Por- Permit to College Ave. Baptist Church of San Diego, Inc. as amended to permit two sing fam dwellings on par split after date of orig zoning but prior to 12/5/54 on the north side of Arosa St. betw College Ave. & 62nd St., Zone R-2, cond that a Certificate of Survey be on file prior to issuance of any bldg permits. Case No. 4391 8/21/61--------------------------------------------------------- Por of Lot 5 & Lot 10- Permit to College Avenue Baptist Church to develop as parking lot to be used by exist church located in R-2 Zone on Lot 1, College Terrace, immediately adj. to the west, at 4747 College Ave., betw Arosa St. & Adams Ave., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 7545 1/26/66----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For- AGRU:MENT lt 596 1.,0 'd. T. Siegel, Chairman of the Bru of Trustees of College Ave. Baptist Church of San Diego, Inc., to erect a parsonage house whicI,,d.11 not have full street front. being N of ext of Arosa St. 6/19/49-------------------------------------------- Lots 21 & 22- That the uses by Southland Door & Builders Supply, 6818 El Cajon Blvd. in the C Zone, is a business similar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular community tnan uses mentioned in zone C provided that the total power of all mechanical equp be limited to one horsepower; that all merchandise be kept entirely witnin a building; and that the premises at 9&18 El Cajon Blvd, be not used for tne above purpose until tne 50' x 100' building proposed to be built on the property is completed & ready for use. Res. 127743 8-2-55