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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 6 Card 2

LA MESA COLONY LOT 6 CARD 2.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 6 ~ card 2 Por Lot 6- Permit, cond'l to WC Davis to const & operate aviary 10'x50' 6127 El Cajon Blvd {See Res 2761) 12/31/47 Por Lot 6- Ext of 90 days on Res 2340 ABOVE granted to J L & EH Kahanek, own and Sam Russo & Ford Bratcher purchs to erect drive in theater on El Cajon Blvd Wly of 62nd St Res 2762 12/3Y47 Por Lot 6- Amendment to Res 2761 ABOVE to permit aviary to be on rear of lot, notdoser than 50'. from Wly prop line 6127 El Cajon Blvd Res 2804 1/14/48 Por Lot 6- Permit to Louis and Evelyn H Kahanek, owns, Sam J Russo & Ford F Bratcher, purchasers, to const masonry wall 8 1 in ht with no SB fr 62nd St Ely boundary of drive in theater Res 2958 3/10/48 Por Lot 6- Permit to Miner & Co Bld ~arket lumber storage, saw shed & lumber stor shed {Whiting-Mead) to rebid & relocate 6135 El Cajon Blvd Res 7921 4/1 /53 Por Lot 6- Permit to Bra~cher & Russo Corp to const addn of approx 60 speaker spaces for Drive In theater cond'l 6147 El Cajon Blvd Res 7290 4/1/53 Por Lot 6- see leg des on fi~ in Plan Off- Permit to Wm C Davis to move a sing fam 'res from C zone area into an R-1 por of a lot which does not have st frontage but is served by a 10' easement to El Cajon Blvd at 6127 El Cajon 16 3204 6/2/48-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------