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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 8

LA MESA COLONY LOT 8.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 8 Lots 8, 18 & Por of 9- Permit to Joe Neil R-1 (Ord & amusement center Seminole & 62nd S of El Cajon 13558) suspended for racetrack exp 10/30/36 Res 60943 10/30/33 Lot 8 & all lot 18 exc N of Ely prolongation of the N line of.Lot 8- Permit to Lynn Boyd, George S Vanderburg, CM Kuhl ken, C Wayne Kuhlken & E W Kuhlken, owns & Clinton O McKinnon & Associates purchs to const a radio broadcasting station including transmitter bid & three 235' steel towers Res 1236 12/20/45 Appeal filed by Josephine King DENIED by CC Res 82362 1/8/46----------------------.----------------------------------------------------------- Permit to Charles E Sal ik, owner of KCBQ radio Sta to erect aux power plant, 62nd St 1 bl k S of El Cajon Blvd cond' 1,1 Res 6653 7/23/52---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 8 & por Lot 18- Permit to KCBQ, Inc & SD Youth Baseball, Inc to oper concession stand for sale of drinks, etc on S side Acorn St betw 62nd & Seminole Dr R-1 cond'l Res 8954 5/25/55---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13, 14 & por 15- Permit to Mrs Luella M Boyle, own & Standard Oil Co, lessee to maintain pump island obs approx 12' SB, replace exist sign with pole obs approx 14' SB; edge of sign to overf1ang public property; and to maintain two 1 ight standards obs 0 1 SB where 20' is req NW cor El Cajon Blvd & 70th St C zone cond'l Case 6202 12/19/63