La Mesa Colony Lot B Card 1
LA MESA COLONY LOT B CARD 1.tif LA MESA COLONY LOT B Lot B.. (Ord.13558) TO H.F. Harrington. To operate a commercial Chicken- Range with 2000 chickens. DENIED Res.#72313 10-1-40 N 80 1 of S 157' of lot Band 67th St.. closing- Permit granted to Wm C. & Lela M. Brown to const sin fam res on por of orig. lot with 80 1 st frontage, West side of 67th St., west end of Saranac St., res and other bldgs to observe SB of the house to the south. Res.#2428 7-30-47 Sly 80'- Permit to T.T. & Margaret G. Clemesha to divide into 2 parcels & erect sing fam res on Wly por, no st frontage, & to be served by 20' easement entire length of lot, 2 exist. res Ely por to be maintained, 5040-67th St. Res.#3740 3-9-49 Por Lot B- Permit to N. A. & Edna M. Lytle to const sing fam res on par at the NW cor 67th & Saranac StSi, cond'l Res.#8314 6~23-54 N. 80 1 of S 157-5' of Lot B (exc. E. 110')- Condi appr to Harvey E. &Marillyn B. Brown to const a sin fam res on par w/o st frontage, but served by 20' easement from ded. st, split out after zoning but prior to 12-5-54; at rear of 5044 67th St., R-1. Case#983 4-22-57.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- 6 mo. ext. to Harvey E. Brown ABOVE, Case#983 10-30-57