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La Mesa Colony Lot K Card 2

LA MESA COLONY LOT K CARD 2.tif LA MESA COLONY CARD#2 l Portion Permit to Glendon H. & Hazel Conklin to erect a sin fam res, Amherst St., with only 15' st. frontage. Res.#951 5-24-45 Ely 44 1 of Lot K & Wly 36.78 1 of Lot L- Permit to Roscoe K. Freeman to const a sin fam res (see R of S map1291) on south side of Amherst St. approx. 150' east of 69th St. Res.#1761 9-12-46 Por- rear- Permit to Joseph C. & Maclinna E. OJivieira, owners & George F. & Helen G. Mendoca, pur to erect sin fam res 15' frontage, S side of Amherst St.approx. 200' E of 69th St. Res.#4263 11-2-49 Ely 55' of W 135' of Nly 390' & 10' st clsd on N- Condi permit to Elmer E. Knepp to split out & erect sin fam res, S side Amherst at Sly prolongation of line of 69th St. Res.#4571 4-5-50 E 55' of W 80' of N 390' & 10' st clsd on Amherst- Condi permit to Durer B,& Bonnie Mae Brooks to const sin fa~ res, S side Amherst at 69th Res.#4609 4-19-50