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La Mesa Colony Lot L Card 1

LA MESA COLONY LOT L CARD 1.tif LA MESA COLONY LO'I' L- CARD#1 ~(Northerly 50' of the Sly 230' of the Ely 150' Permit to Richard H. & Mabel M. Knapp to const a duplex on said par, west side of 70th St., south of Amherst St. Res.#3328 7-28-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por of Lot L (legal description on file in planning Dept. OfficeY., PERMIT TO Franklin D. & Almeda Boone to const a sin fam res on por of Lot 55' by 150', west side of 70th St., south of Amherst St., condl. Res.#3353 8-11-48 Por of Lot L- Amendment to Res.#3353 (above) granted to Franklin D. & Almeda V. Boone to permit easement for widening 70th St. to be only 10' wide, west side of 70th, South of Amherst. Res.#3450 9-22-48-----------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------- Por of Lot L- Permit, condl, to Florence E. Croy to divide a par into 3 bldg sites & permit two living units on ea, SW cor of 70th and Amherst Sts. See Res.#3445 9-22-48-p----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Condi permit to Frank & Tammasa Manescalchi to div into 3 Lots facing 70th St. 1 to be 61 1 wide & 2 tobe 50' wide, & permit 2 liv. units on ea, SW cor 70th & Amherst. Res.#4016 7-13-49 Por- Condi permit to Patrick Raymond & Annabelle Tracey, pur & Howard D. & Guadalupe Q. Fackrell, owner to split out 2 par not of rec at time of zoning, & erect dup on ea with 16 1 rearyd, S side Amherst, approx 150' W of 70th. Res.#5990 11-14-51 6ee-AGREEMENT#747____.-------------------------------------------------------.------------------ N 50' of S 230' of E 150'- Permit DENIED to Arthur & Kathryn Tracey to canst unit above exist gar, making 3 units, at 4834 70th St., R-2. Res.#9427 2-15-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------