La Mesa Colony Lots 12 Card 2
LA MESA COLONY LOTS 12 CARD 2.tif-~--~------ ~.---------. LA MESA COLONY LOT 12 South 62 1-0" of Lot I 2- AGREEMENT to VELLA REED to construct a garage with bath and laundry room, addition to existing one-story, single-family dwel 1 ing, located at 4966- 68th Street, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #3019 12-7-83 Lot 12- ZA APPROVED request of C,S, & URSULA F. CONSER, Trustees, to maintain converted detached accessory structure as "guest quarters" on a lot with a single-family dwelling. Guest quarters to observe a 2'7" side yard where 4 1 is reqd at 5023 63rd St., Zone Rl-5000. C-19025 12/13/85